There's been a lot of discussion lately about why some people are called terrorists, and others aren’t. What delineates an act of terrorism from other criminal acts such as homicide and mass murder?
Read MoreThere's been a lot of discussion lately about why some people are called terrorists, and others aren’t. What delineates an act of terrorism from other criminal acts such as homicide and mass murder?
Read MoreSeen in isolation, the head of MI5 giving unprecedented TV interviews might just be a new development in the way the British security services deal with the media. But when you put it into context with what else is happening in the UK and abroad right now, are we looking at an admission by MI5 that they are struggling to cope?
Read MoreIs the Manchester attack claimed by ISIS, a result of the West's failed War on Terror?
Read MoreAnother bad day for France.
Yesterday the words 'Terror' and 'Paris' occupied the headlines, again.
But was this really a terror attack, or just plain terrifying?
Read MoreAs our security services and police became more proficient at spotting, in advance, those purchasing or acquiring the precursor materials for explosives - terror groups changed their approach.
Read MoreTerrorism is therefore defined by motive, and not method. Any act of violence, however small, could be a terrorist act if the motives of the attacker are political or ideological. Conversely, a large attack with purely criminal motivations is not terrorism.
Read MoreThe assailant didn't use a firearm to kill and maim, and he didn't use explosives - he turned something that most of see and walk past every day, into a terrifyingly effective weapon.
Read MoreWe rely on the police and the security services and we expect them to apprehend suspects of mass murder and terrorism quickly. So why did it take the police four months to find Salah Abdeslam?
Read MorePolice officers are just normal people who sometimes find themselves in the middle of the most extraordinary of circumstances. They live in a culture where they are expected to 'get on with it'. I was no different.
Read More“I want to be ignorant of the threats. I can’t bear being plagued by the knowledge of what might happen any longer. It keeps me awake every single night.”
Read MoreKen Livingstone's idea that the lead 7/7 bomber, Mohammed Siddique Khan, was so upset by government policy that he felt the need to murder people is absurd.
We are talking about a mass murderer akin to Fred West, Dennis Nilsen and Charles Manson - a psychopathic lunatic. Does anyone talk about what political decisions might have motivated those people to kill and murder scores of victims?
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